Tuesday, August 15, 2006


"I cannot simply forget you. Please come and sleep with me." The fox agrees, and from then on returns to her husband each night in the shape of a woman, leaving again each morning in the shape of a fox. Therefore, she comes to be called Kitsune — because, in the classical Japanese, "kitsu-ne" means "come and sleep," while "ki-tsune" means "always comes."


Anonymous said...

aweessoooommmmmeeeeeeee I'd love this one as a print on the wall!

red-handed said...

I think kitsu-ne should also mean: very noir.

mjc said...

great work! and thanks for sharing that story :)
legends and fables are a great source of inspiration

astralrae said...

that's really gorgeous.. love the story as well ;)

Anonymous said...

wow.. U are AMAZINg... I love ur style.. honestly I am VERY inspired by ur stuff.. I have no more words. I aspire to be like you and have an amazing style of my own someday!
~Kish (karma_180@hotmail.com)