Monday, December 07, 2009

Eat. Drink. Fold. Sew. Draw. Books. Bags.

For those who missed the official launch of Like Fins for Feet, an all-ages picture book published under the First Time Writers and Illustrators Initiative, this evening is for you. Not so much a book launch as it is a reason for Perry and I to meet friends and strangers alike before the year draws to a close.

Also available at this event will be original drawings and selected merchandise.

Come by, say hi. Pick up a copy, or 10, for the festive reason.

Everyone big and small is invited.

4pm, 12 Dec 2009, Booksactually.


red-handed said...


bec winnel said...

Hope you had a lovely time!

Anonymous said...
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Ben Zen said...

I just came across your blog... Love your work!