Monday, December 07, 2009

Eat. Drink. Fold. Sew. Draw. Books. Bags.

For those who missed the official launch of Like Fins for Feet, an all-ages picture book published under the First Time Writers and Illustrators Initiative, this evening is for you. Not so much a book launch as it is a reason for Perry and I to meet friends and strangers alike before the year draws to a close.

Also available at this event will be original drawings and selected merchandise.

Come by, say hi. Pick up a copy, or 10, for the festive reason.

Everyone big and small is invited.

4pm, 12 Dec 2009, Booksactually.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Bespoke Letterpress Illustrators Project

Bespoke Letterpress launched their new series of ultra-cuteh-girlie VinnntagEee LetteRrrPress prints. Each print is a limited edition run of 150 prints and are available in their shop for $65.00 each. These are the two i submitted. More about it here. check out the rest of the series.

To celebrate the launch Bespoke Press is offering a sale on their entire range until October 16th AND one lucky winner will walk away with the entire collection, that's 10 prints worth $650! Full details of the giveaway can be found here. Good luck!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

how l0w can u go.

i still like my shittiest version the most.
superades & mightyellow

Saturday, September 26, 2009

it is perfectly alrigght

if no one appreciates my 'humour'
for the 3x3 OIC thing

the Theme is

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Porrrtraits of Nick Chim

many awesomes.
will post more stuff up. keep checking
and feel free to stalk us on facebook.

a6 a6 a6 a6

Creative [SIN]ergy presents,
A6 /future/ - a collaboration between 22 illustrators from both Singapore and the UK. Supported by the Singapore International Foundation, The Central Illustration Agency and Tiger Beer. A6 /future/ invites these artists to share their thoughts, hopes and dreams about their future through the use of A6 sized postcards.

this is a clossseup of mine!
RaDiOAcTiVe JiZz/PukE/PiZzZz
thankyew gaiz for lettin mez be a part o'this. wasss muchhhhh funz.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Candy Coloured Goodness

a very tween production!
come get it on SAT 29AUG at the substation.
12noon - 8pm

Thursday, August 13, 2009

LikefinsForFeet B-side

i have been busy with a book called
written by evil.g. Perry Ho.
it will be out soon. hmm i forget when exactly, but anyway.. i superliked this version
of one of the pages.
wishes scary kittehz were big likez dat

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nick Chim's Album Launch

Drop by.. =]
i will be putting my work up. i will be putting my work up. i will be putting my work up.
i will be putting my work up. i will be putting my work up. i will be putting my work up.
we hope it will be lots of funz

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Dear Clare

i wake and i crumble at the thought of having to go through the day. it is always night inside me, i will never be able to release it. everywhere, i step on empty pavements that remind me of the last caress i stole from you, a sign of my deep longing for you. no matter what i do throughout the day, i will always think of you as a sullen dream that happened - one that i will always regret.

dear clare, where have you been?

music : nicholas Chim, video 29cornflakes

Nick will be lauching his new album at the end of August!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


BIG THANKS & CONGRAchOOLAshunz on 14c:

KeiTh, BEn & ShErYo, .. um and everyone else inVolVed.

heres some pics dju took for me. (for those who couldnt be there)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


messing with doodles.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009